Irion Soluzioni Tecnologiche - mobile

Get value from your Data Assets

Innovative data management and Irion EDM declarative technology
for you to offer valuable services to colleagues and customers.

Get value from your Data Assets

Innovative data management and Irion EDM declarative technology
for you to offer valuable services to colleagues and customers.

Un'unica tecnologia, un'unica interfaccia
One Technology, one Interface

to minimize the effort and the resources engaged in using different tools.

Tante Data Management Capabilities
All the necessary Data Management Capabilities

for fast and agile administration of your supply chain and overcoming of data silos.

Una tecnologia Declarative, Agile e LowCode
A Low-code and Agile Declarative approach

to automate Data Management processes that can be delegated to the Irion technology.

Una tecnologia SQL based

so that Business Analysts, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and IT Specialists share the same language.

Un'unica tecnologia, un'unica interfaccia
One Technology, one Interface

to minimize the effort and the resources engaged in using different tools.

Tante Data Management Capabilities
All the necessary Data Management Capabilities

for fast and agile administration of your supply chain and overcoming of data silos.

Una tecnologia Declarative, Agile e LowCode
A Low-code and Agile Declarative approach

to automate Data Management processes that can be delegated to the Irion technology.

Una tecnologia SQL based

so that Business Analysts, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and IT Specialists share the same language.

Irion EDM is Metadata-driven


to generate thousands
of technical rules


to automatically
document your rules


to run 2.5 million rules

*Verified benchmark, data available upon request.

Unlock the potential of your data

with a unique service-oriented platform aimed at managing risks and generating value from data.

Irion EDM for
Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

Manage you data assets and make the most of them: manage and control, validate and reconcile, govern and publish…

Irion EDM for
Enterprise Metadata Management (EMM)

Manage huge business data quantities and use the metadata: understand the relations, make use of active metadata, govern processes, assess benefits and associated risks!

Irion EDM for
Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

Manage you data assets and make the most of them: manage and control, validate and reconcile, govern and publish…

Irion EDM for
Enterprise Metadata Management (EMM)

Manage huge business data quantities and use the metadata: understand the relations, make use of active metadata, govern processes, assess benefits and associated risks!

Irion EDM for Enterprise Information Management

Our all-in-one technologies provide you support in the processes of data quality and integration, visualization and analysis, data management and segregation.
A natural and structured vision of data for:

  • business improvement and development;
  • supervised risk management;
  • capital adequacy assessment and accounting schemes definition;
  • meeting regulatory requirements;
  • identifying regulatory assets;
  • guaranteed data protection and privacy for both clients and employees.

Irion’s Declarative and Metadata-driven approach ensures fast implementation and automated documentation of your Enterprise Information Management project and makes it accountable.

Main functions covered

  Data Discovery

Irion EDM for Enterprise Information Management

Our all-in-one technologies provide you support in the processes of data quality and integration, visualization and analysis, data management and segregation.
A natural and structured vision of data for:

  • migliorare e sviluppare il business;
  • rispondere ai requisiti normativi;
  • presidiare la gestione dei rischi;
  • determinare il patrimonio di vigilanza;
  • valutare l’adeguatezza patrimoniale e la definizione degli schemi contabili;
  • garantire un’adeguata protezione e privacy ai dati dei clienti e dei dipendenti.

Irion’s Declarative and Metadata-driven approach ensures fast implementation and automated documentation of your Enterprise Information Management project and makes it accountable.

Main functions covered

  Data Discovery

Irion EDM for Enterprise Metadata Management

Achieve your Enterprise Information Management goals with our Metadata Management technologies:

  • register and connect the metadata with your organization’s processes and entities of interest to your business;
  • manage, navigate, and explore the relationships;
  • discover and make available the connections in the form of personalized information services;
  • free up data value for your business.

With advanced Data Lineage techniques, you get complete metadata life cycle management and change management – and a user-friendly interface.

Main functions covered

  Data Lineage & Impact Analysis

Irion EDM for Enterprise Metadata Management

Achieve your Enterprise Information Management goals with our Metadata Management technologies:

  • censisci e collega i metadati con i processi della tua organizzazione e le entità di interesse per i tuoi business;
  • gestisci, naviga ed esplora le relazioni;
  • scopri e rendi le connessioni disponibili sotto forma di servizi informativi personalizzati;
  • libera il valore dei dati per il tuo business.

With advanced Data Lineage techniques, you get complete metadata life cycle management and change management – and a user-friendly interface.

Main functions covered

  Data Lineage & Impact Analysis

  Data Governance Hub

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