Master Data Management

Get an overview of product and customer data

Ensures uniformity, accuracy, consistency and reliability of central master records, bringing IT and business together

Master Data Management is the management of shared data to achieve organizational goals, reduce risks associated with data redundancy, ensure superior quality, and reduce data integration costs.

(Source: DAMA – Data Management Association

With more than 20 years in the market and experience from developing more than 300 data quality applications, Irion together with its Partner Network facilitates Master Data Management activities in your company. Have you ever found yourself unable to synchronize master data (for example: your product catalog or customer list) among all those in numerous disparate sources? And not being able to keep them up to date?

Irion EDM® reduce el esfuerzo, el tiempo y los costes de las actividades de gestión de datos y acelera la implantación de Aplicaciones de Datos personalizadas: sus datos maestros centrales pueden por fin utilizarse de forma fiable en sus procesos de negocio, gracias al método y a las tecnologías propias que Irion y su Red de Partners ponen a su disposición, en función de las necesidades específicas de su negocio.

Why do Master Data Management with Irion EDM®

Get an overview of critical business data, coming in from different, often duplicated and discordant sources:
Centralize, reconcile, and synchronize master data. Superior quality in information asset management.

View reports and business transactions

You navigate and analyze: you have a 360-degree view, thanks to Knowledge Graph techniques. You can visualize source-target relationships between metadata, examine connections between customers, products, suppliers, and more.

Integrate and configure with the power of metadata

You can classify, enrich, verify, map and aggregate the data in the different sources and reconcile them by identifying the golden source.

Collaborate and share with appropriate workflows

Keep all stakeholders updated on the various stages of the process and ask for support: monitoring, approvals or corrections.

Synchronize sources, including through API

You can synchronize master data-among all those in the linked heterogeneous sources-and keep them up-to-date, with respect to new sources or architecture changes, even via API.

in-depth data integration

Data Integration, what is it? What is it for?

For DAMA, data integration describes the processes related to moving and consolidating data within and between data stores, applications, and organizations…

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