Irion EDM® Platform

With distinctive technologies developed over 20 years in the market and hundreds of Data Apps deployed in production, you have all the functionalities needed to streamline data and information management within your company.

Create customized solutions tailored to your company’s goals, automate manual and repetitive tasks, and reduce time and costs. Plus, you have a system natively designed to harness the power of AI with DAISY, our Data Artificial Intelligence System.

The Irion EDM® Difference

With the platform, you can easily add features to your initial project, adapting to the ever-evolving needs of your company. You don’t have to settle for a generic solution; instead, you can customize it over time.

Irion EDM® is based on an innovative declarative approach that supports automation and reduces implementation time. It allows you to delegate execution methods to the system.

High-performing in data-intensive contexts for managing large volumes of data, thanks to unique technologies, flexible features, intensive and continuous Research & Development, and outstanding human capital.

Irion dichiarativo

Composable and Tailored

Looking for a system that integrates seamlessly with the software you have already purchased?

Irion EDM® maximizes the value of your existing investments: it integrates with all your applications, including legacy systems, so you won’t incur additional costs. Composable architecture is the present—and future—of business processes.

Are you thinking of developing a custom solution in-house?

By choosing Irion, you don’t have to worry about software maintenance. nvestiamo annualmente il 18% del fatturato in Ricerca e Sviluppo e nell’eccellenza del capitale umano, grazie anche alle academic and institutional relations. You have at your disposal Managed Services and Help Desk with in-depth knowledge of the platform, which is constantly updated and undergoes rigorous quality testing.

Do you have too many spreadsheets scattered throughout your organization?

We solve your data challenges, even the most complex, thanks to the platform’s capabilities and our experience in mission-critical contexts. Does every department use a spreadsheet filled with formulas and algorithms? You’ll be able to easily connect them for a unified view.

Metadata Driven

Irion EDM is natively oriented to metadata: it makes it active through a harmonized facility serving Solutions and Applications.

Low Code

You can build user-friendly interfaces or start from our ready-made templates to create intuitive and configurable dashboards, even for non-technical users.


Using its proprietary OneClick Audit technology, Irion EDM ensures full natural-language traceability of rules entered into the system, data historicization and changes made.

Multi Cloud

The platform is platform agnostic and neutral to the cloud technologies you already have in place-AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure or others. It enables high performance on all Cloud, Hybrid and On-premises environments.

Our offering


Everything needed to build the data “assembly line” (data pipeline) from collection to transformation.


An environment to nimbly develop business solutions from data. Includes the ability to create user interfaces, manage roles, and build reports and analysis dashboards.


A complete government facility to configure, manage and orchestrate even very complex data management processes. Allows for the construction of more articulated solutions (“composable”). It makes available Data Catalogs, semantic graphs, “data intensive” executions, DataOps-compliant change management modes, and more.

More than 200 connectors and integrations

Our Partners: The Most Innovative Companies

see also the whitepaper

How to Reduce Time and Costs in Enterprise Data Management Projects

In the field of EDM, operations are almost always ‘data-intensive’ and often involve large-scale analytical processing (OLAP). That’s why it’s essential to optimize the workload handled by the system according to the available hardware resources. Discover how Irion EDM® selects and automates the optimal algorithms. (and the level of parallelism) and leverages metadata to enhance performance.

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