
  • Learn quickly how to exploit the full potential of the platform
  • Implement projects faster and more effectively
  • Maximize technology investments

All courses are designed to give you hands-on experience where you will gain proficiency with Irion products as well as experiment with several areas of application. Certificates of achievement will be presented after completion and assessment of proficiency levels on products and methodologies.

Professional trainers will deliver all courses with the following goals in mind:

  • Leading wider and more effective use of our technologies
  • Speed up project implementation


  • Learn quickly how to exploit the full potential of the platform and the Ready To Go Add-Ons
  • Implement projects faster and more effectively
  • Maximize technology investments

All courses are designed to give you hands-on experience where you will gain proficiency with Irion products as well as experiment with several areas of application. Certificates of achievement will be presented after completion and assessment of proficiency levels on products and methodologies.

Professional trainers will deliver all courses with the following goals in mind:

  • Leading wider and more effective use of our technologies
  • Speed up project implementation
Irion training courses