What is a Data-Driven Organization? “It is a company that takes on the challenges of the market, using the data as an asset. In charge of the strategies, decisions, and operational processes are professionals who know the data and know how to manage and use it correctly. To do this, they must know the meaning of data and its route within the business systems. Above all, the data must be reliable, i.e., fit for purpose. Equally important is to act efficiently and proactively, in a timely and sustainable manner”.

This description was given by Mauro Tuvo, Irion Principal Advisor, our first speaker at the presentation of the 2022-2023 Master ICT Management program at the University of Milano-Bicocca. “Data is fundamental because it leads to information, then to knowledge, and finally to business choices. Making decisions based on incorrect data means the loss of time and trust within the company but also reputational risks outside,” added Egle Romagnolli, Irion Head of Marketing.

Finally, Renato Valera (Irion Head of Consulting & Solution) and Gabriele Seno (Irion Product Evangelism & Advisory Leader) showed some practical cases on Data, Metadata, Rules, and Lineage within the end-to-end Irion EDM platform. lThey also had a message for the future managers: “Metadata is a fundamental resource for all disciplines, paradigms, techniques, design concepts, methods that characterize modern Data Governance. Taking care of metadata and spreading practices and services based on its use are among the main goals of a Chief Data Officer.”

The Master’s degree in ICT Management:

Becoming data-driven is a priority for every company now more than ever before. To reach this goal with efficiency, companies must define appropriate data management strategies and control and governance mechanisms. It would ensure data quality in the decision-making processes, regulatory compliance, and the security of data itself.

To handle IT innovation and Digital Transformation needs appropriately, the following skills are necessary

  • managerial and multidisciplinary skills, to combine technological, organizational, economical, and communication fields
  • internationally recognized and certified skills and experiences. They are necessary for developing a common language and knowledge of the project management activities involving Italian and foreign colleagues, customers, and providers

All this forms the basis on which the 2nd Level Master’s in ICT Management at the University of Milano-Bicocca (http://www.masterict.unimib.it/) has developed in its eleven previous editions. What are the features that distinguish it?

  • The multidisciplinary approach with thematic insights and components and practical exercises that span across several disciplines. These include Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Governance & Analytics, Marketing and Operations Research, Risk Management, economic and budgeting skills, IT strategy, organizational methods, Scrum, Agile, DevOps, Project Management, IT Service Management, and more.
  • It can be personalized. Every participant chooses their own route of studies among the 23 courses available in the four areas of teaching: technology, organization, economics, and communication.
  • the unique online formula, or in blended e-learning. It is designed for professionals who combine their studies with work commitments.
  • a direct correlation with professional certifications in IT Governance, IT Risk, and Project Management recognized internationally (CAPM/PMP, Agile Scrum Master, DevOps Foundation, CGEIT, CRISC, COBIT2019 Foundation di ISACA, ITIL4 Foundation, ISO27001 A/LA)
  • INPS / SNA scholarships available, with full coverage of the participation fees

This 2nd level Master’s is open to master’s degree graduates. However, the Master’s Executive formula is also available for 1st level graduates and professionals without a degree but with solid working experience.



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