Non Regression Continuous Testing (NRT)

To reduce the cost and Time to Market of new product launches
[…]it is a very flexible platform. Irion proved to be very capable, very adept at then adapting the solution to our needs, then making the product absolutely adhere to what our needs were.
Marco Airoldi
Head of Financial Engineering Divisione Corporate Investment Banking – Capital Market Solutions – Financial Engineering
Customer since


Automate production testing to reduce Time to Market and cos

Time To Market Acceleration

Reduce new product delivery time
Exceed task execution sequential approach
Adopting an iterative Agile approach

Software Quality Improvement

Support the new feature development ensuring expected quality and preserving “as is” value
Make test cycle results incremental analysis possible
Increase “ready for deployment” awareness during certification phase

Resource Savings

Limit time and resources consumption
Anticipate defects identification
Reduce anomaly solving cost


A highly automated process to reduce Time to Market


Some Irion EDM features used:
Metadata Driven Datastore Definition

Codeless Dataset Compare Rule

Automatic rule documentation

Process Orchestration Automation
Full test di integrazione librerie di pricing / Sistema di Front Murex: Elapsed: 2 giorni Run 1 volta a settimana Coverage test libreria di pricing: 100% sui deal a sistema (Murex) Speed up on “Time to Market” 4X Teamwork tra FE/IT/Demand Riduzione dei costi Business scalabile Valorizzazione risorse umane Qualità e sicurezza dei deliverables Documentazione automatica dei test svoltiPricing libraries full integration test/Front Murex system:
Elapsed: 2 days
Run once a week
Pricing library test coverage:
100% on system deals (Murex)
Teamwork FE/IT/Demand
Cost reduction
Scalable business
Human resources enhancement
Quality and safety of deliverables
Automatic test documentationCombinare il Continuous Testing con lo Shift to LeftCombine continuous testing with Shift to LeftData Intensive Test suiteData Intensive Test suiteCreazione di una data intensive test suite Facile da manutenere Capace di acquisire e controllare in maniera massiva i dataset baseline vs quelli “to be”Data intensive test suite creation
Easy to maintain
Capable of acquiring and cheeking massively baseline datasets vs those “to be”AutomationAutomationAutomatizzare le procedure di esecuzione dei test Minimizzare il response time Rendere il processo sicuro e storicizzabile in qualunque momento del suo cicloAutomate test execution procedures
Minimize response time
Render the process safe and historicizable at any point of the cycleAccountability ReportingAccountability ReportingRealizzare analisi interattive degli esiti sia puntuali che storiche Gestire i feedback verso la test suite Produrre report sui risultati ottenuti corredati dalla verbalizzazione dei test eseguitiCarry out interactive analyzes of both punctual and historical outcomes
Manage test suite feedback
Produce reports containing verbalization of tests performedUn processo fortemente automatizzato che riduce il Time to Market a un quarto!A highly automated process to reduce Time to MarketPer ridurre costi e Time to Market del lancio dei nuovi prodottiTo reduce the cost and Time to Market of new product launchesNon Regression Continuous Testing (NRT)Non Regression Continuous Testing (NRT)A supporto di frequenti modifiche da apportare alle librerie di calcolo dell’applicativo utilizzato in area finanza, la Soluzione automatizza i test di non regressione mettendo in sicurezza i processi di upgrade tramite confronto dei dati pre e postTo support frequent changes that need to be made to the calculation libraries of the application used in the finance area, the Solution automates non-regression testing by securing upgrade processes through comparison of pre and post data

Results obtained

Pricing libraries full integration test/Front Murex system:
Elapsed: 2 days
Run once a week
Pricing library test coverage:
100% on system deals (Murex)
Teamwork FE/IT/Demand
Cost reduction
Scalable business
Human resources enhancement
Quality and safety of deliverables
Automatic test documentation


Combine continuous testing with Shift to Left

Data Intensive Test suite
Data intensive test suite creation
Easy to maintain
Capable of acquiring and cheeking massively baseline datasets vs those “to be”
Automate test execution procedures
Minimize response time
Render the process safe and historicizable at any point of the cycle
Accountability Reporting
Carry out interactive analyzes of both punctual and historical outcomes
Manage test suite feedback
Produce reports containing verbalization of tests performed
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