Happy Holidays from Irion Team!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

“Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” We have chosen these words by Albert Szent-Györgyi de Nagyrápolt, the 1937 Nobel prize winner in medicine and physiology, for our wishes this year. These words reflect both us and what pushes us forward in our continuous search for improvement.

Whether it comes to innovating to improve Data Management processes or to contributing the little that we can to improve the society we live in, we at Irion always give our most. And thus, at the end of 2021, which was not an easy year for the world, we can still look back with pride at the months that passed and anticipate with confidence the year that is ahead.

In this past year, we have enjoyed many successes: a close-knit team of already over 150 professionals, we have faced so many new challenges, met new customers, and consolidated mutual trust with those who have long chosen us as their provider. Not to mention the revenue growth compared to previous years.

And the goals for 2022 are no less ambitious than in the previous years. As every year, we stretch a helping hand toward those who are less fortunate than us. We decided to donate €75.000 to charity to those who need help and support.

We choose to help those who help:  

cultural association Midrash; Abio foundation, that has been helping children in hospitals since 1978; the Progetto Sorriso nel Mondo, an association that since 1997 has been engaged in treating children’s craniofacial malformations in less developed countries, from Bangladesh to the Democratic Republic of Congo; San Matteo volunteer association; AISF ODV, an association that unites patients, doctors, relatives, friends, professionals promoting and developing projects that responds to the needs of fibromyalgia; the Abito project of the San Vincenzo de Paoli Association for clothes exchange and inclusion activities to fight against poverty and promote integration; the Rete del Dono, a crowdfunding platform for online donations in support of social projects; Vorrei prendere il treno, which has been putting forward practical projects for improving accessibility and social inclusing for people with disabilities since 2014; Casa di Accoglienza LA MADONNINA,  a reference place for cancer patients and their relatives; Forma Onlus, a pediatric center of national importance that specializes in treating children affected by serious diseases, also from other regions and foreign countries; Centro Kades, a shelter house for people suffering from addictions; Mantovani Castorina Onlus, a foundation dedicated to people with severe intellectual and neuromotoric disabilities; Associazione Infinito Amore Da Emanuele Ciccozzi, primarily supporting the oncohematological unit of Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù di Roma, helping families and children affected with leucemias, lymphomas, neuroblastomas, and other oncological diseases; Progetto Spera, an initiative that supports yound people in need, giving them practical help and opening prospects for the future; Associazione Solagnon; Istituto San Giovanni; Amici di Joaquin Gomes association; Associazione Queen of Peace, which promotes human, spiritual, and professional education for all those in vulnerable position through targeted projects in Italy and in developing countries.

With our most sincere wishes of a merry Christmas and a happy New Year, 

Irion Team

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