Through learning, we grow: Irion’s 2022 in overview – and best wishes for 2023

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

For this year’s season’s greetings, we chose a quote from Michael Jordan. That’s our mindset: we only win when we are a team. What each of us has – our brains, skills and experience, degrees – are truly valuable for the community and our clients only if they become part of teamwork. Then we face the challenges together – and win. Day after day, one release after another.

These words of one of the greatest athletes of all time reflect our everyday journey as a team and a company. We believe in the social impact of what we do. And we have great news to share with you: on December 23, 2022, Irion has become a Benefit Corporation! By taking this road, we will further highlight the benefit of our work for the reference communities.

In 2022, our team has grown to 167 employees, and some new entries will join us in early 2023. The revenues have increased, too, by +7% with respect to 2021. Irion has invested over 2.7 million euros in Research & Development, in addition to almost half a million spent on employee training. Like every year, this Christmas we decided to help those who help others with a donation of 75,000 euros, divided between the following organizations:

  • Altrodomani Onlus
  • Amici di Joaquin Gomes ODV
  • Associazione Dopo Scuola Amicizia ODV
  • Associazione Giovanile Salesiana per il territorio ETS
  • Associazione Italiana Cornelia de Lange Onlus
  • Associazione Punto Familia
  • Associazione Parrocchia San Pellegrino APS
  • Associazione Solagnon Togo Onlus
  • Autismo Help Cuneo
  • Camminiamo Insieme Onlus
  • Centro come noi S. Pertini organizzazione Sermig di volontariato
  • Comitato Addiopizzo
  • Cooperativa Sociale Paradigma SCS Onlus
  • Fondazione Faro Onlus
  • Fondazione Mamre Onlus
  • Fondazione Paideia Onlus
  • Istituto S. Giovanni
  • Progetto sorriso nel mondo – Smile Project Onlus
  • San Salvario – Salesiani Don Bosco
  • Queen of peace Onlus

We wish you a happy Christmas and all the best for 2023!

Team Irion


Music in the video “Creative Commons Jingle Bells” by Klemen Vorber under the licence CC BY 4.0

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