Shadow IT Replacement and Spreadsheet Substitution

Transforming spreadsheets and Shadow IT solutions into secure, governed applications

Perché Irion EDM®

Avoid the risks of “shadow” solutions and “unofficial” spreadsheets
Use of ungoverned tools compromises security, auditability, and data certainty
Support evolving business requirements
Informal solutions fail to fully integrate changes and transformations into processes

Standardize and optimize procedures
Integrating unstructured logic into secure platforms improves scalability and knowledge sharing

Come Irion EDM® può aiutarti

Irion EDM structures and secures computational logic while ensuring flexibility and continuity
Integration of logic found in spreadsheets
Irion EDM is able to include the usual formulas (e.g., derived from Excel) in its calculation engines, yet enclose them in a secure, controlled environment
Progressive data structuring
Spreadsheet formatting is transformed into informational attributes and enables repeatable and certifiable processes
Evolution toward advanced dashboards and analytics
Web reports replace spreadsheets, and I optimize data visualization, graphical analysis, and optimized distribution

Key Benefits

Security and control of computational logic
Irion EDM eliminates the risks of Shadow IT solutions by ensuring compliance and auditability of processes

Reducing costs and inefficiencies
Replacement of spreadsheets reduces operational costs and improves scalability of solutions
Adaptability to dynamic needs
The platform combines flexibility and structure to meet extemporaneous and organized requirements

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